Vintage cream lace sweater by Lianne Barnes (my Gami still wears it every Christmas!)
Diamond studs from Cost Plus World Market- similar here
The day this skirt arrived at Anthropologie I knew it HAD to come home with me. I'm a sales associate there for winter break and while the hours are long the job comes with some great perks including a dangerous employee discount. When I wore the skirt for Christmas Eve I paired it with a tight black top and a leather jacket, adding a bit of edge to this majorly feminine look, but I wanted to try a new direction for this holiday post. As my mother and grandmother can attest, I was seriously struggling to find something new to wear with it and a meltdown was on the horizon. With the sun rapidly going down and taking our golden hour photo-shoot light with it I was having what you would call a 'fashion emergency'. My Gami then pulled the rabbit out of the hat with the suggestion of her gorgeous cream sweater, easily a few decades old and still going strong. Quality and detail like that never go out of style.
I hope you had a wonderful holiday surrounded by all those you love most! This is the time to celebrate your family and shower them with thoughtful gifts but remember: 'treat yo'self' is a year round holiday, and sometimes you just NEED that red skirt.
With love and sugarplums,
Sarah Belle