
Thursday, September 5, 2019

25 things I've learned in 25 years

I couldn't sleep on Tuesday night and did what anyone (I hope) might do, I stalked myself on Instagram. I landed on my birthday post from 2017. A peek into Sarah at 23: "This year has been incredibly transformational for me, and I am in the midst of the biggest transition of my life- from home to my own. New York. This list includes things I learned long before this past year, but have become top of mind to me in this year especially. I wrote them in under 10 minutes, so there is no order, organization, or theme but I suppose that's life for you. I loved writing it." 

Everything I wrote then still applies (wear sunscreen people!!), and I'm just a few months post move 2.0. Back in California, this time with a San Francisco zip code. I wrote these 25 things quickly from my bed in my small room on Union St at bit past 12am. The things I've learned feel a bit heavier than they did at 23, but they also ring very true. 

25 things I have learned in 25 years 
  1. Write down all your ideas, it’s the best way to get the good ones to stick and the bad ones to melt away 
  2. Walk to or from work whenever possible, you always feel better after 
  3. Don’t beat yourself up about buying a latte every day before work, but you really shouldn't make it a habit 
  4. Flossing is your friend 
  5. Under eye cream is great for your lips and lips need SPF like everything else!
  6. 25 is about damn time to start using more natural products. Yes, it’s worth it 
  7. Periodically clearing out old photos from your phone is a lovely mental cleanse, but don’t just delete or just dwell 
  8. You are likely going to have many more years of big change to come- don’t confuse that with instability or a lack of progress. Pivots still mean forward motion! 
  9. It’s always the right decision to be the person who gives up their seat on the bus or Bart 
  10. Not being able to explain how or why you feel something does not make it any less valid- you’ll figure it out or it will pass 
  11. The Mari Kondo folding method WORKS & drawer cubes WORK 
  12. You will always feel better after yoga, but it’s ok to have an off day and fall over in the middle of class
  13. No one is looking at you on the bus (probably) so chill out already 
  14. You don’t need to like everyone, and everyone doesn’t need to like you (still working on this but I know it’s true)
  15. You need to make plans to not have plans
  16. It is hard work to figure out who you are- luckily most people haven’t done it yet, so stop thinking that they have and you’re behind 
  17. Finish a product or bottle or consumable good before you buy the next one. Unless it’s probiotics, then always have back up 
  18. Handwritten notes are still, and always will be, the best 
  19. It’s ok for engagement and wedding posts to freak you out a bit, but their happiness does not diminish the power of yours 
  20. There is nothing scary about baked goods or butter- never feel guilty for eating what you want or crave. There is no “worth it”. 
  21. There is a difference between caution and skepticism. Always be optimistic but cautious when you need to be- there’s a way to be both 
  22. You really do need to salt pasta water. A lot. 
  23. ~signs~ really are a thing, but you don’t need to take them at face value 
  24. Hydration is quite literally the key to everything 
  25. As it turns out, your life really can change in a minute