
Sunday, January 22, 2017

Rainy day zucchini muffins (Vegan, GF)

Food is an incredibly powerful social tool, a source of comfort, stress, and a strong holder of memories. These past weeks have been both figuratively and literally rainy and gloomy. With the women's march on my mind, there has been a definite glimpse of a silver lining, albeit one mixed with frustration, even desperation. I march because I can. I march because I still see hope. Women united will never be divided. As both a feminist and an emotional eater, baking seemed like the only logical response. Adapted from this recipe by Minimalist Baker, I give you the perfect winter time muffin that has sweetness and a sneaky vegetable. Enjoy!

With love and crumbles
Sarah Belle

P.S. The world looks a lot brighter with pumpkin butter.