
Thursday, June 29, 2017

Lemon Bars: self care edition

There is a certain feeling of satisfaction I get from creating ~healthy~ versions of desserts that I am sure you can all relate to. You choose carrots over crackers- good job! You have water instead of wine with dinner- props to you!! You take the stairs, you push yourself, and you treat your body like the fragile little being that it is- aren't you balanced!! That's all well and good, but where is the damn butter?? 
Self care can take many forms. Many days mine is a long walk and a big mug of tea. Today mine was baking- full fat, no substitutes and no looking back. Lemon bars are a summer classic: bright, tangy, and a whole hell of a lot more work than I remembered. Nevertheless, Ina Garten would be proud. The Barefoot Contessa herself was my first and only stop for this Lemon Bar recipe, and it worked like a charm. 

Lemon bar pro tips: 
  • Use a fork to squish up the pan border of your squares, it makes spreading the dough a lot easier and the lemon filling sinks right in. Plus, it's pretty. 
  • Get at least 6 lemons for the cup of lemon juice, and roll them all before to make more juicy. Also do yourself a favor and get one of these juicers, you will feel very grown up and your wrists will thank you. 

Life pro tips:
  • Find ways to incorporate self care in your day. 
  • Drink more water.
  • Eat more dark greens.
  • Don't beat yourself up over the chocolate cake. 
  • Buy yourself flowers just because. 
  • Say 'yes, why not!' more.
  • Say 'no, thanks though!' more. 
With love and butter,
Sarah Belle